The Blight of Less Than

The Blight of Less Than

Back in my youth, I had an Irish Catholic friend. She was expressive and funny, and I especially loved how her hands did much of the talking.

But she was also defensive—like a person under siege. At times she misread situations or comments as if people were out to hurt or demean her. Sometimes maybe they were. But often, I felt she viewed her circumstances through a cracked lens. If that lens had a name, it would be called, “Less Than.”

As Coldplay sings in their song “The Scientist”…

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions,

Oh let’s go back to the start…Continue reading

Of Puzzles and Mysteries

Of Puzzles and Mysteries

I’ve come to learn some important distinctions in my life.

Things like the difference between discernment and judgment.[i] When we experience hurtful situations, it’s not like we don’t see flaws in difficult people.

But God looks at our response.

Discernment shows you have love in your heart, when it comes to understanding others. You can choose to pray instead of gossip. With discernment, we make better decisions.

Judgment carries the tone of condemnation and usually signals very little love. It leads to harsh words, name-calling and stereotyping.

If we resist judging others, God seems to increase our discernment—and not just the earthly kind. Rather, wisdom from above.

Funny how two words like that are used interchangeably. In my life, knowing the difference resulted in a new spiritual discipline—flipping negative thoughts into positive prayers.[ii] Though I still have to work at it, the effort changed my perspective.

iStock_000001825454SmallRecently, I learned a new and important distinction—the difference between puzzles and mysteries. Malcolm Gladwell wrote about this idea in his book, What The Dog Saw.

For example, he said that national security expert Gregory Treverton famously pointed out that Osama Bin Laden’s whereabouts had been a puzzle. We couldn’t find him because we didn’t have enough information. We needed more puzzle pieces.

In contrast, what would become of Iraq if our military removed Saddam Hussein from power? That would be a mystery. “It wasn’t a question with a simple, factual answer.”Continue reading

Such A Time As This

Such A Time As This

777_banner_800x240.jpg__800x240_q85_crop_upscaleAnne Graham Lotz recently issued a call to prayer on the Internet. She said,

“I am blowing the trumpet. . . sounding the alarm. . . issuing a national prayer initiative, entitled 777: An Urgent Call to Prayer. The call is for God’s people to pray for each of the first seven days in the seventh month—July 1-7. Then on the 7th day, we are to pray and fast for 7 hours.”

MH17-crash-jpgTen days later, a Boeing 777 commercial airplane—flight number 17—crashed on July 17th, when a surface-to-air missile struck it at 33,000 feet.


The crash left no survivors…nearly 300 souls violently ripped from their earthly lives.

You’ve heard the news. I felt utterly heartsick. I’ve been praying for the remaining families every day since.

What is God saying in times like this?Continue reading