Life Rings

Life Rings

She firmly held a flaming torch. I could not see her face. Her head was hidden in a low cloud cover. But she had lowered her arm so the light would still shine.

Statue of LibertyI saw this image of the Statue of Liberty during a prayer time. A small group of my friends had gathered to ask God for encouragement, instruction or discernment. We spent time listening for single words, phrases, a symbolic picture, an impression, a Scripture brought to remembrance…there are many ways that God speaks.

Seeing the iconic effigy of freedom that way was curious. I pondered it for a while. Her head could symbolize our human minds—even our best thinking can get clouded. But her torch, the divine spark of freedom and equality, had not gone out though our country is experiencing difficult times.

BonoBono of U2 admonished students at Georgetown University to keep faith with the idea of America…“One of the greatest ideas of human history, right up there with the Renaissance. Right up there with crop rotation or the Beatles’ White Album.” He wasn’t really joking. He spoke reverently about the idea of equality, justice, the pursuit of happiness, and dignity. USA Constitution Parchment“This country,” he said, “was the first to claw its way out of darkness and put that on paper.” And I believe it was a God-given idea.

There is no other explanation.

So why would God show me an altered image of the Statue of Liberty compared to its present victorious stance on Ellis Island? Continue reading

Interfering with God?

Interfering with God?

For a compelling novel, a good writer will keep reversing the outcome to create suspense. Setbacks and turnarounds build emotional intensity. The goal is to bring a climax or what some call, “the dark moment.” Who doesn’t enjoy the roller coaster ride of a good story?

However in our real lives, we don’t like it. We want the happily-ever-after thread in our circumstances.

Still, desperate times often bring profound turning points.

iStock_000008065336SmallFor example, by 1999 AIDS had ravaged Uganda, East Africa. Studies predicted by the year 2000, 30% of Uganda’s population would die from AIDS and another 30% would be infected. The remaining people, mostly children and the elderly, could not work leading to an economic collapse.[1]

Things had become dire.

On New Year’s Eve, 1999, President and First Lady Museveni joined over 45,000 people in Mandela National Stadium to make a public proclamation. They committed their nation to the purposes of God under the Lordship of Christ for the next 1,000 years.[2]

A shift was underway.

photo-4In August 2003, my family traveled to Uganda. My husband had recently started Uganda Orphans Fund to rescue orphans. With the pall of death still prevalent, our family prayed for a woman nearly expired from AIDS. After several months, she miraculously recovered. Many wonders were starting to happen.

Prayer Meeting in UgandaThen on December 26, 2003, the largest prayer gathering in Uganda’s history was held. All through the night for 12 hours, 25,000 pastors mobilized three million Christians to pray in 50 stadiums—one in each district of the nation.

The outcome was astonishing! Read the full story…Continue reading

Key Things

Key Things

“She could die from suffocation.” My heart dropped.

My mother’s spine was slowly collapsing, disrupting the connection of brain to body. The parish nurse told me numerous scary results. I began to pray in earnest that she would not experience any of those frightening outcomes. “Please Lord, have mercy on her final days!” I pleaded. “Oh God, let her die peacefully in her sleep.”

You know…God listens.

He felt my troubled heart. While He cares deeply about the dying person, He also moves supernaturally to comfort those left behind.

Gold Key Necklace

The key was a looking glass into another world

So one day while praying, I had a brief vision: In my mind’s eye, I stood inside a planetarium with my mother. The space was dark, except for a spotlight, which shone down on her. She seemed radiant and serene. A golden key on a thin chain was draped around her neck. It gleamed in a mystical way.

Then I noticed something extraordinary. The circular loops at the top of the key had a sky-blue center. I lifted the key to take a closer look. The loops were actually tiny windows into different realm. And in that other place the sky stayed blue, though on earth it was dark. Just then, a panel in the domed ceiling opened, and through the slotted section I saw the starry night sky. The vision ended there.

A simple scene—a poignant message.

My mother had the key to heaven—her passage would be secure. The rounded ceiling of the planetarium symbolized her earthly life. The panel opened, signaling it was time for her to go. Perhaps she’d slip away at night. All was well. The dream laid a blanket of peace over me for the remaining months of her life.

But God didn’t stop there.Continue reading