Arranged Faith

Arranged Faith

As a new mother, my friend frets about bullies on the playground. “What did you worry about when you were raising kids?” she asked.

I thought for a minute. Sexual predators…an unstable future…my fragile marriage. I had had many concerns. But then it came to me. “How to raise our kids spiritually without making them feel cornered.”

402b05ce-2496-4d4e-aa70-5a7276aa5b53Did you grow up in a Christian family, attend church, say grace, and go to Christmas Eve services? Maybe it was more intense—daily devotions, memorizing Scripture, bedtime prayers, and high standards. Maybe you went to a Christian school or were given a purity ring. If you’ve felt a deep obligation to embrace your parents’ faith, I am writing to you.

Does it feel like an arranged marriage?

MarriageA & E produced a shocking new reality show called, “Marriage At First Sight.” If you haven’t stumbled on any episodes, it’s about 3 men and 3 women who agree to legally marry a complete stranger. Experts in the field of psychology match the husband and wife pairs through in-depth assessments, but each couple meets for the first time on their wedding day.

Sounds disastrous, right? A show you can’t help but watch. And that’s what producers are banking on…a reality series with train-wreck potential.Continue reading

The Pleasure of God

The Pleasure of God

Who can say how these moments arrive? A sudden awareness, an unseen presence descending like a soothing breeze.

It happened to me one glorious fall day. The late afternoon sun felt warm on my skin. I’d been picking up trash, strewn along the roadside by our house.

IMG_1154With my garbage sack full, I strolled up the driveway, thinking about how seasons come and go and years slip by. A vague kind of loneliness came over me as one thought led to another. And then, God came near.

You’re so beautiful to Me, He whispered.

It had nothing to do with physical beauty. Time fades all that. Besides, I was grimy with dirt and perspiration. It seemed like such an odd thing for Him to say. Why then?

It had nothing to do with the fact that I was picking up other people’s garbage, as if that were something special. Concerned citizens in our town organize that kind of effort all the time.

It wasn’t like I’d just accomplished some great thing in my life. I was simply carrying a load of garbage up the driveway. But God seems to catch me off guard in quiet, solitary, mundane moments—maybe on purpose—so I won’t associate it with anything I’ve done.

He just wanted me to feel His pleasure.

Jesus BaptismJesus hadn’t even started his ministry when John baptized him in the Jordan River. Still, God said, “This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.” Of course, one might say, “That’s because it was Jesus,” but that same pleasure is for us.

Kindness Words in Sky Compassionate Generous BackgroundGod smiles when someone does the right thing and no one is looking. He rejoices over the marriage bed of a husband and wife who’ve remained faithful. He is moved by true contrition and forgiveness. He delights when we step into the purposes for which He made us. He notices surprising generosity, private worship, and honest prayers. He exults over each person who comes out of darkness into light.

It might sound prideful or pompous to say God takes pleasure in us. One could even say it smacks of self-righteousness. But His pleasure isn’t necessarily tied to our good behavior…Continue reading

The Eyes of Art

The Eyes of Art

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

Why do six million people flock to see the Mona Lisa each year? Why did the Louvre in Paris pay seven million dollars to create a controlled-climate room just for this work of art? The canvas is even protected with bulletproof glass. The painting has been stolen, but cannot be insured because it’s considered priceless. Though the artist, Leonardo Da Vinci, was renown, the prevalent belief is that his subject was a 24-year-old mother of two—no one famous or special. Why does this painting get so much attention?

The Mona Lisa (1503-1519) has remained enormously popular for several centuries, way before Dan Brown’s novel became a bestseller. Many say the woman’s enigmatic smile draws people in. What do you say? Does she look like she knows something? Or does her countenance reflect some kind of peace?

The Scream

The Scream

Another famous painting, The Scream (1893), by Edvard Munch throbs with the strong emotions of fear, terror, doubt, pain, and suffering. The painter wrote down his inspiration for the work saying…

“I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.”

Some editions of Arthur Janov’s book, The Primal Scream, used Munch’s painting on the cover. The ghost-like face has been recreated in movies and Halloween costumes. Clearly, the painting struck a chord.

Starry Night

Starry Night

Van Gogh’s, Starry Night (1889), is a profoundly beautiful and mysterious work of art. The artist painted the night sky from the view out his asylum window. He admitted himself to the hospital after his breakdown in 1888, when he mutilated his ear.

Van Gogh wanted to believe in an afterlife. He wanted it to be true and associated it with a larger universe portrayed by the night sky. He wrote, “”It would be so simple and would account so much for the terrible things in life, which now amaze and wound us so, if life had yet another hemisphere, invisible it is true, but where one lands when one dies.”

Don’t we yearn for the same thing—the glorious larger story that will one day wrap around our finite and sometimes tragic smaller stories?Continue reading