The Greater Unseen

The Greater Unseen

Sunset in the wood in winter periodDid you know a great awakening is taking place in the world? It’s not really reported on any of the news channels. You can read about it here. How long has it been since you’ve heard some good news?

At the same time, unfathomable atrocities against Christians in Syria and other places in the Middle East take my breath away. Danger is imminent at every turn, not to mention loss of shelter, lack of food, and an uncertain future.

“Great evil. GREAT REVIVAL” is the title of a special bulletin from the Voice of the Martyrs.

J.D. King of Charisma magazine wrote that, “Reliable reports suggest more Muslims have become followers of Jesus over the last two decades than in Islam’s combined 1,500-year history.”

Something is happening. 

Though the fig tree should not blossom

And there be no fruit on the vines,

Though the yield of the olive should fail

And the fields produce no food,

Though the flock should be cut off from the fold

And there be no cattle in the stalls,

Yet I will exult in the Lord,

I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

— Habakkuk 3:17-18 (NASB)

The ScreamTo embrace what God is doing in this day, I am compelled to face the ongoing brutalities squarely. Jesus was born into a violent Roman domination of the land. Herod killed all the baby boys. Think of the outraged fathers, the weeping mothers, and the instability of those times.

It is no different today—for all our education, science, medicine, governments, civil laws, justice systems, and technological advances—evil overtakes some, and carnage remains as a dark stain on the human story.

But Stephen saw into heavenly realms AS he was being stoned. In the same way, I believe that God and his hosts of angels meet people in the nano-second of death—maybe even in the moments prior to death—whether they are beheaded, blown out of the sky on an airplane, or shot down in cold blood. And supernatural comfort also comes for those who remain in great tribulation. These are mysteries, but I believe they are true. What do you believe?Continue reading

The Palm of God

The Palm of God

Dave’s throat was healed. Terry’s was not.


God healed people in the Bible—He can do it in our world, but we don’t have if we don’t ask…

It was November 1998.

One evening, my husband and I discussed all the reasons why we still hoped for Terry’s healing. A number of friends, along with us, had received numerous dreams, visions, Scriptures, and prophetic words. Dave’s miracle increased our faith to believe such things were possible. Terry had met with remarkable spiritual leaders—Paul Cain, Jack Deere, Mike Bickle—leaders who had prayed for and seen healings. We even attended a conference in Portland with Terry and his wife, Vanessa. Nearly a thousand people extended their hands toward Terry as the speaker prayed for his healing.

My heart cried out—What are you waiting for, Lord?

Around that time, I had a dream that Terry was in a burning building. The people holding the safety net were supposed to create equal tension on all sides in unison, making it safe for him to jump. Instead, the people were having a tug-of-war over the net—a pretty clear message.

Holding Holy BibleUnity had been a key ingredient in Dave’s healing. One visiting speaker discerned that the spirit of denominationalism in our town was very divisive. Perhaps God was waiting for the Body of Christ to come together in unity and reconciliation. Terry could be the catalyst for such a gathering.

Our home group put an ad in the local paper:Continue reading

Offensive Arms

Offensive Arms

I’m going to tell a funny story on myself.

As a child, my concept of worship was limited. At church we sang different hymns each week so I didn’t really learn the melodies, with a few exceptions. Not that hymns aren’t beautiful. I just sang them in the same way I said the pledge of allegiance before school each morning. It was just something we did.

"that guy"

“that guy”

Back in the early 80s, my husband and I attended a wonderful church. The congregation was warm and friendly…the pastor, an excellent teacher. But during worship, one guy would predictably lift up his arms in praise. It really bothered me. I felt tense inside.

I thought…this is embarrassing! Why is he drawing attention to himself? Worship should be about God!

Portrait upset worried old woman isolated on white backgroundThen one Sunday, my husband and I invited his mother to join us at the first service. I was pretty sure that guy attended the second service. I glanced around the sanctuary. To my relief, he wasn’t there. Closing my eyes, I sang the first song from my heart. But as the second song started, I opened my eyes to see that guy inching his way past others to sit directly in front of us.

Up went his hands!

My face became hot. I could feel my mother-in-law’s uneasiness. She purposely didn’t look at him. His body and arms kept us from seeing the lyrics on the screen. My lips formed a tight line. I was too annoyed to join in the worship.Continue reading