Kingdom Culture – Agreement

Kingdom Culture – Agreement

“Well that explains a lot!”

A week ago, my husband and I solved a ten-year marital problem. After pulling the covers off each other for over a decade, I finally got out a yardstick and discovered that we’d been using a queen-sized comforter on a king-sized bed! It brought a good laugh.

This was a problem by design. Design is important. A few days ago I had an interesting dream that underscored that very point.

glckliche Frau macht Sportyoung man playing ping pongIn the dream, a husband and his wife were playing ping-pong.

Other adults gathered around the table to watch, and I stood to one side observing the scene. Before long the couple abandoned their ping-pong game for a tug-of-war, using a thick knotted rope. Tempers flared. Tears came. The crowd around them started to shout.

The wife turned to me. “Who are these people!” she yelled. “And whose side are they on?”

“They’re the great cloud of witnesses.” I said. “I think they’re trying to tell you something!”Continue reading

Converging Roads

Converging Roads

Old, vintage padlock ( open )isolated on white backgroundTwo weeks ago during the worship time at church, I saw in my mind’s eye a picture of two roads merging. The phrase, “converging roads,” entered my thoughts like an interruption. After that image faded, I saw a padlock open. These symbolic images came in a wisp of time…a second or two.

The worship leader invited the congregation to share any impressions received from God. Our small church provides a perfect context for listening prayer, something Quaker churches have practiced for centuries.

Feeling spiritually dull, I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure what it meant. It would have been entirely okay to say, “This is what I saw and heard,” mentioning the two roads and the lock. No interpretation was necessary. But I held back, and the moment passed.

Guide signThen our pastor announced the recent engagement of a young couple. They beamed as he shared their story. Because their last names matched the names of two streets in our town, the young man proposed to his girlfriend where the two roads converged!

My ears popped open! Our pastor actually used the verb—converge.

At that point, I shared my impression with the couple. It was obviously for them–and so precise! God loves it when a man and a woman become one. He “unlocks” His pleasure and releases His Spirit to take the journey of marriage with them.

Think how powerful that impression might’ve been if I had given it publically before the pastor’s announcement! That couple could’ve experienced the intimacy of God, because I had no prior knowledge of their engagement.

When we came home, I discussed the incident with my husband. Duncan saw the connection for the couple, but also thought it was a word for us. Our roads were finally converging. God was releasing us into “the next chapter” of marriage.Continue reading

Subterranean Anger

Subterranean Anger

“I’m nice, but a little bit mean today,” my granddaughter said. In her own way, she was saying that she felt angry.  Laney is two-and-a-half.

Laney with kitty face“It’s okay to feel mad,” I said, stroking her bangs to one side. I reminded her that I felt mad at our dog for not coming when called.  “It’s just not okay to be mean,” I explained, “but you can be mad.” I wondered if she could understand the distinction.

Many years ago, when I was young, I decided to be the good child. Maybe I saw certain advantages in it. My sister had a bolder personality and got in trouble some.

I was a quieter soul, an observer.

I remember being given a small necklace. It had a white marble pendant with a gold band around its center. In fine script, The Golden Rule was engraved on the band. The simple ethical code made a profound impression on me.

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

My family in 1962

My family in 1962

In some ways, trying to be good was connected to a deep love for my father. My dad was and is a safe, wise, and approachable man, and I was quite sure that he’d love me no matter what. Still, being compliant is often about winning approval.

I tried to do everything “right,” but I wasn’t perfect. I had a bit of gumption and remember getting spanked.

You, got spanked?” My husband goaded. “What for?Continue reading