The Tyranny of Isn’t

The Tyranny of Isn’t

In 2014, the Stubblefield family was shaken to the core when their youngest, Katie, literally lost her face from a shotgun blast. To everyone’s astonishment, she survived the injury, but her wound was catastrophic. She was only 18.

Her father, Robb Stubblefield, recently wrote, “It seems like a lifetime ago…sitting in a trauma intensive care unit late at night…crying out in a muffled whispering of faith and heartache for God’s triumph to show itself…But here we are…having come so far.”

faith triumphs over what isn'tThis family’s faith is nothing short of remarkable. Countless people are praying and supporting the Stubblefields and in turn have been touched by the grace of God themselves.

To date, very few face transplants have been attempted and succeeded. But last May at the Cleveland Clinic, Katie Stubblefield became the youngest recipient to receive a new face. Of course follow-up surgeries continue, and the risk of tissue rejection may require taking immunosuppressing drugs for the rest of her life. But hope abounds in this family.

Robb Stubblefield recently wrote on their Facebook page,

It's important to grieve what isn't“A great man has said, ‘Occasionally weep deeply over the life you hoped would be. Grieve the losses. Then wash your face. Trust God and embrace the life you have.’”Continue reading

Why People Love Dogs

Why People Love Dogs

Dogs disagreed“The way I see it, dogs had this big meeting, oh, maybe 20,000 years ago. A huge meeting—an international convention with delegates from everywhere. And that’s when they decided that humans were the up-and-coming species and dogs were going to throw their lot in with them. The decision was obviously not unanimous. The wolves and dingoes walked out in protest.

Cats didn't agree with dogs“Cats had an even more negative reaction…(denouncing) canine subservience to the human hyperpower…Using guile and seduction, they managed to get humans to feed them, thus preserving their superciliousness without going hungry.

“Dogs, being guileless, signed and delivered. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Charles Krauthammer, “Of Dogs and Men,” Things That MatterContinue reading

Enjoying Joy

Enjoying Joy

There’s a Saturday Night Live skit called, “The Girl You Wished You Hadn’t Started a Conversation With at a Party.” Cecily Strong plays the role of the girl who’s characteristically drunk and ditzy, with know-it-all opinions in a pseudo-activist kind of way. She’s looking for a fight. The “straight man” is played by Seth Meyers.

“So are you excited about the holidays?” He asks.

“Excited? I’m repulsed! All this ‘mercialism around Christmas is an outrage! It’s a trajesty! It’s like, what are we even doing?” She scoffs.

“You really seem like you’re in the Christmas spirit,” he teases.

“You mean the Christ-mas spirit? Oh right, you don’t care about Jesus because you worship Hallmark.”

“Oh boy!” He looks away.

Then she asks him what he wants for Christmas…Continue reading