Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

“Don’t you think it’s damaging? My husband asked.

“What do you mean?” I looked up from my work.

“The Cinderella myth, promising the happily-ever-after.”

“Yes, probably.” I gazed across the room, pondering the thought. “But for me,” I replied, “Jesus is the real prince charming—the only One who can fulfill that desire.”

People say Disney Classics are dark—maybe  too dark for little kids…the wicked step-mother in Cinderella, the jealous queen in Snow White, the evil fairy Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty, the sea witch in The Little Mermaid. Perhaps the daunting takeaway isn’t the reality of opposition, but the false promise of happily ever after.

Beauty and The Beast probably offers the most realistic version of love. Most of us are held captive, carrying wounds that make us beastly. All of us need someone to love us despite our limitations. And it takes courage to love the otherness of the other. Perseverance in love can bring transformation.

But we need God in order to bring our best selves to the challenge of relationship. And not just through prayer, or biblical principles.

We need to feel His love.

Years ago, genius songwriter Bob Dylan wrote a song called “Make You Feel My Love.” The first time I heard it, I immediately felt Jesus singing the words to me—deep into my spirit. Hope you enjoy this song and accompanying slide show…Continue reading

Subterranean Anger

Subterranean Anger

“I’m nice, but a little bit mean today,” my granddaughter said. In her own way, she was saying that she felt angry.  Laney is two-and-a-half.

Laney with kitty face“It’s okay to feel mad,” I said, stroking her bangs to one side. I reminded her that I felt mad at our dog for not coming when called.  “It’s just not okay to be mean,” I explained, “but you can be mad.” I wondered if she could understand the distinction.

Many years ago, when I was young, I decided to be the good child. Maybe I saw certain advantages in it. My sister had a bolder personality and got in trouble some.

I was a quieter soul, an observer.

I remember being given a small necklace. It had a white marble pendant with a gold band around its center. In fine script, The Golden Rule was engraved on the band. The simple ethical code made a profound impression on me.

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

My family in 1962

My family in 1962

In some ways, trying to be good was connected to a deep love for my father. My dad was and is a safe, wise, and approachable man, and I was quite sure that he’d love me no matter what. Still, being compliant is often about winning approval.

I tried to do everything “right,” but I wasn’t perfect. I had a bit of gumption and remember getting spanked.

You, got spanked?” My husband goaded. “What for?Continue reading