Signposts – Part III

Signposts – Part III

Coincidences are curious things. Mysterious, and yet, still commonplace—like a sneeze. Many don’t notice them. Some people pause for a moment, offering a half-smile. But few ponder whether or not a coincidence means anything beyond chance.

For almost a century, great minds have contemplated coincidences through a theory known as synchronicity. By definition, it means: the experience of two or more events as meaningfully related, though they’re unlikely to be causally related. Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, introduced the concept in the 1920s and spent decades developing a fuller description.

He said, “When coincidences pile up…one cannot help being impressed by them – for the greater the number…or the more unusual its character, the more improbable it becomes.”

Arthur Koestler wrote extensively on synchronicity in The Roots of Coincidence. Physicist and Nobel laureate, Wolfgang Pauli, and Albert Einstein noted the patterns as well.

What interests me most is Jung’s statement that life was not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order, wherein a person was both embedded in an orderly framework and was also the focus of that orderly framework(!) Any realization of this he maintained, was more than just an intellectual exercise, but also contained elements of a spiritual awakening. From the religious perspective, Jung said synchronicity is like an “intervention of grace.”

Okay, now back to planet normal where you and I live.Continue reading

Signposts – Part II

Signposts – Part II

Okay, now things get interesting.

Yes, I experienced a genuine healing from a medical condition never known to resolve (Writer’s Cramp). Talk about a sign. But, instead of acting on my pastor’s words, I stalled. Why? Because I failed to see myself as a writer. And more importantly, I didn’t have any vision for what God wanted me to write.

Consider these words from Oswald Chambers: (paraphrased, July 6th entry)

         We always have visions, before a thing is made real. Although the vision is real, it’s not real in you. The vision isn’t a castle in the air, but a vision of what God wants you to be. 

          God gives you the vision and then takes you down in the valley to batter you into the shape of the vision. He puts you through fires and floods to get you to the place where He can trust you with the veritable reality. Over and over again, you might try to escape from His hand. In the valley, many faint and give way. But every vision will be made real, if you have patience. Think of the enormous leisure of God.

         Don’t lose heart in the process. If you’ve ever had a vision from God, you may try as you like to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never let you.

During those years of stalling, some interesting signposts popped up along the way. God began pointing to my design, as He geared up to impart vision.Continue reading

Noticing the Overlooked

Noticing the Overlooked

“Is it odd, or is it God?”

My husband coined that phrase in the early stages of learning to hear God’s voice. For instance, he frequently came across the number 333 in his everyday world. Eventually he considered searching it out in Scripture and landed on Jeremiah 33:3

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” 

It wasn’t odd. It was God!

A question follows—was this just a message for Jeremiah, for his situation, in his time? Or is the Bible a living book? Does the Holy Spirit use the ancient text to bring the same invitation to us? I believe it was for then and for now. Here’s another example.

Many years ago, I felt unloved as a wife. Our marriage hit rock bottom in the mid- 80’s, and I turned to God in my desperation. One day, while reading Song of Solomon, I came across these words:

“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.” Song of Solomon 7:10

I can still recall the ache inside my chest as I read that sentence. My marriage remained broken for a number of years. Yet, in that moment, I also felt a stirring in my spirit. Continue reading