

In my last post, I challenged you all to try a Listening Prayer Exercise. If you missed it, read no further until you check it out—click here.

Here is the teaching to help you unpack the images and symbolism:

This Listening Prayer exercise is about discovering identity – or who God made you to be.  

If you are giving this to others, don’t initially tell them what it’s about, as it may skew their results. It’s hard enough to hear God without overthinking things ourselves. After completing the questions on the first page, unpack the meanings. If you are doing this with others, break up into small groups of 3 or 4 people. Use biblical symbolism as it pertains to colors, numbers, and symbolic images that are used in dream interpretation. In general, I explain the different categories as follows…Continue reading

Undaunted Pursuit

Undaunted Pursuit

Man points to an empty space..My son wanted to learn how to crochet. He and his college roommate sat in their dorm room one night watching YouTube tutorials with their yarn and crochet hooks laid out. Some guys dropped by. Their eyes widened. “Hey, ah…what exactly are you girls up to?”

Did they care? No! They were determined to make beanie hats.

Handsome hipster wearing a beanie hatI love it when people are undaunted by the fear of man. My son and his roommate saw something they want to learn and pursued it with passion.

Crocheting involves practice. Like most things, there’s a learning curve. Honing a new skill requires many attempts to get it right, and this craft is no exception.

But in the end, our whole family received new beanies for Christmas!

What about learning to hear God’s voice? I don’t think there are any YouTube tutorials on it…no apps. Yet we have a far better Teacher. Still, we need to position ourselves to hear. Like a sailboat—what good is it if we don’t put up the sail?

Don’t miss the listening prayer opportunity at the end of this blog.Continue reading



When it happens to me, I feel fully alive. A momentary shift of perspective, sometimes intentional, sometimes a surprise. Often it’s a spiritual experience—even supernatural. What am I talking about?


The wonder of new lifeIt can occur in the most ordinary ways…a robin building her nest in the eaves of our front porch…tiny beaks appearing, open and hungry…the process of learning to fly.

The wonder of communicationOr how about my little ten-month-old granddaughter, lifting one hand to greet me. She’s on the cusp of forming words. I wonder at the miracle of language and the nuances of tiny gestures.

As author Anthony Doerr said, sublimity (is) “the instant when one thing is about to become something else. Day to night, caterpillar to butterfly. Fawn to doe. Experiment to result. Boy to man.”[i]

The wonder of creationWhen I watched Planet Earth, each episode inspired me to the point of worship. As it is written in Job, “Stand and consider the wonders of God. Do you know how God establishes them, and makes the lightning of His cloud to shine? Do you know about the layers of the thick clouds, the wonders of one perfect in knowledge? Can you, with Him, spread out the skies, strong as a molten mirror? Out of the north comes golden splendor; around God is awesome majesty.”[ii]

I marvel at the historical formation of America. Bono of U2 put it this way…Continue reading